C.H.E.A.T For Getting Results

Just over a week ago I held a talk on how to get RESULTS. I explained a system that I coined C.H.E.A.T that absolutely will help you get the results you are after in your health and fitness journey.

All too often, we have a bright spark decision moment, then find ourselves sitting there 6 months later, wondering what happened and why it didn’t work out. Why didn’t we get what we wanted?

Chances are, we were lacking in one of the following areas. 

In the video, I explain C.H.E.A.T, outlining the following areas:

C – “CHOOSE” – have you really CHOSEN what it is that you want? Where do you REALLY want to go? What does it look like? What does it FEEL like?

H – “HEALTH” – once you have chosen, you need HEALTH first and foremost to maximise your potential to get what you want. If you are falling down in this area and think your immunity could be a little stronger, contact me! Don’t accept the average.

E – “ENERGY” – show up with as a positive force to be reckoned with. It’s fine to have bad days, but many choose to look with a negative lens, without realising it.

A – “AWARENESS” – bring awareness into your training and into the journey as a whole. Be present. Learn about the process as much as possible

T – “TIME” – good things take time. We live in a world of instant gratification. We want it NOW, but generally it doesn’t quite happen that way. Be patient, if the previous boxes are ticked, the results will come.

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