Take Pride In Your Choice

Sometimes encouragement from a coach or trainer is a good thing.

In many cases though, it’s not what is most needed.

If your continuation with your training/business/venture is dependent on continual accolades and encouragement, you are being short-changed.

If you are used to exuberant congratulations, just for showing up, then know you are leaving power on the table.

When you powerfully CHOOSE to train, to start your business, then you own that choice. You have chosen for YOU.

The role of the coach now changes. 

We now benefit from experience, constructive questioning, observations, corrections, sometimes vocal, sometimes silent.

We now benefit from having someone in our court to help us navigate and tackle new hurdles, to point out lessons. Even though we very much have to tackle them ourselves.

When your coach or mentor knows you have chosen powerfully for YOU, you will notice a new mutual understanding. 

An energetic exchange. You are both now there for the right reasons.

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