Resolutions and Goals. Respecting the Decision.

Setting aside enough time for the decision making process on a new endeavour is important.

Once you really CHOOSE a new undertaking, life gets a lot easier. It simply becomes “how do I go about this?” and often: “Who has been here before that can help me do this.”

I remember entering my first triathlon. This turned into a multi-year long affair that escalated to an international level. But, the decision making process lasted months before I knew it was on my path. 

Sit with the big, scary idea. Talk to others who have been on that path. Try to feel it out. Realise that you really want to do it. Once you figure that out, then nothing can stop you.

The problem is when we rush the decision making process. Anyone can make a rushed goal.

We see this over and over again in the health industry. We also see many people who make a powerful choice, and still get results years later

Set aside the time, talk to your inner circle. Choose powerfully, then simply watch it come to fruition.

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