Urgency to Start

There is a valuable place for urgency. 

This is at the front end of the undertaking.

Those who start today or who have urgency to begin. Urgency to heal their body, figure out their nutrition or build functionality. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Monday, Friday, Thanks-giving or their birthday, they’re good to go.

Then there are those who start after the holidays, after a work trip, or “once things calm down.” These guys tend to have a lot of logistical questions, calendar conflicts and re-schedules.

Time and time again, the first group illustrates better long term results. They know that once they have chosen, then starting is what counts. After that, they are playing the game

They can then focus on cementing the habit, getting through early hurdles and enjoying the experiences (both fun and challenging) that are part of the journey

Start today.



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