Minimum Effective Dose

Doing more than is required, to get the same result is insanity.

I am a big fan of the idea of minimum effective dose in your training.

What does this mean?

When we train or exercise, we put a stimulus on the body (stress). We then need a certain amount of resources (time, food, sleep) to then come back stronger.

We can increase the stimulus and get more results, but only to a point. We then get diminishing or even negative results. 

We also have other areas in life that need those same recovery resources, such as work, kids and relationships.

So, to maximise our potential in our work, our family life, our other hobbies, but still get desirable improvements in our training, we want to know how to achieve the minimum effective dose: How often to train and more importantly, what other factors need to be in place so that the minimum effective dose strategy works.

Why would we want to do more than is necessary to get the desired result?

If you like the idea of minimum effective dose, have you optimised the other areas of your life so that it can actually work?


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