We Don’t See it Coming

I’ve had a number of “shifts” in how I’ve personally approached exercise over the last 15 years

  1. “weight training” in a gym
  2. Endurance sports
  3. High intensity and maximal strength
  4. Movement and complexity
  5. Minimum effective dose

Each person will have different paths, but the commonality is that each shift comes from an area outside of your awareness.

The reason to shift or adjust course isn’t evident, until it is.

Someone shows you something new, or, you notice a pain point that may be linked to your current habits.

It’s clear that we don’t know at any point in time where the shift will come from that takes us to a new stage.

Therefore, the more often we question our current habits and review the results of our experiment both internally and via our peers or partner, the faster we can usually level up.

As soon as we are attached to the belief system, we need to be watchful.

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