No Expectation

How long will it take me to lose the weight?

Will I be in shape by March?

How long until I can do a pull-up? How long until I’m strong enough? By June?

In meditation, there is a concept of no expectation. In that, as soon as there is ANY expectation of any outcome, there is thought present. This thought of course derails any effort.

Exercise is the same.

With expectation, we create thought. We create comparison, timeframes, judgement – all of these are present in the day to day timeframe. They impact each actual session or effort.

Without expectation we simply have action, we have faith in our plan, our program, our strategy. We keep going – not blindly, but patiently.  We know deep down it is over the longer timeframe that we are rewarded.

So, we have two options, spend our time inquiring, asking, scrolling social media, problem solving… or spend that same time getting to work, trusting the process and focusing on enjoying all areas of life.

Expectation can be the distraction that undermines the effort itself. 


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