Busy Mind Blues

“Show or teach me meditation so I can calm my mind, it’s really busy!”

Our mind can generate thought in two ways.

  1. An emotion or creative thought from our centre. From quiet. From a moment without input or distraction, a new idea, or realisation
  2. A reactive thought from our recent inputs. From events, conversations, emails, websites, calls and social media. These inputs can be subconscious – images we flick through quickly, or music in the car..

This isn’t abstract, but an experiment. Try it and see.

Next time you lie in bed, watch the thought and notice the nature of it. Is it from stillness? From that particular moment by yourself or with your partner? Or from a recent event?

Often the easiest way to begin to calm the mind is to simply create space without inputs. Subtraction.

This may be meditation (which is something different again), but it can also begin with changing your schedule, your morning and evening routine, your social media strategy, your tech policy at home. 

Protecting a regular quiet space and time can do amazing things for clarity of the mind, which can then allow connection with ourselves, our friends and our family.

An easy way to address the busy mind is to try some subtraction.


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