Risk for Reward

To exercise, eat well, sleep well… generally have good health, means we are in a way, “more prepared.”

The body becomes more resilient to external stressors.

However, we can get carried away with this. With the idea of “being prepared.”

On the other side of preparation, there is doing. In the big, bad, real world. In doing, there is risk.

Risk is beautiful.

Rock climbing, diving, surfing, spearfishing, ocean swimming, abseiling, acrobatics. These are all fairly safe in themselves, but, they do carry an element of risk. There are variables outside of our control: wind, rain, sun, waves.

This does two things:

  1. Quietens thought. Risk automatically brings us to the present moment.
  2. Sharpens skillsets. When we quieten thought, we feel more, our senses are heightened. Risk implies there is something to lose. We need to be sharp.

I believe this is hard to replicate in a gym. Any game, task we do, is fabricated. We know the risk is avoidable. 

The environment is controlled.

So, if our regular practice builds strength, adaptability or preparation, then we can engage in life’s real adventures to get to the next level.

Base jumping anyone?

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