“Bounding” or Having a Model

There are three pillars for most of the work that I do, or most of my projects (or passions!):

  1. Breath

  2. Movement

  3. Connection

When we overlay three domains, we get “bounding” – each domain gets bounded, or steered a little, by the others.

A sweet spot in the middle.

To breathe is important, but to sit on a mountain-top with just the breath is to miss out on the beautiful aspects and capabilities of the human body that we have been given.

To move is key, but to do it to the detriment of the health (i.e. to ignore the breath) or connection is counterproductive.

To connect is the ultimate, but we can only connect or serve at our highest potential when we have clarity, a healthy mind and body.

Sometimes, when have some guidelines, a “model,” or “contexts,” we end up reaching a deeper level as both the sustainability and enjoyment go up.

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