Eliminating Gaps and Actually Doing the Work

One of the most potent ways to develop your movement or training journey is to have a year round practice.

To show up each and every week and continue to work and practice your craft of moving with more ease and efficiency.

It’s easy to get attached to a once-off event, an 8 week program or a race, but inevitably if we have too much weight on the short term, there must be a compensation in the long term.

How does this work?

It helps to zoom out.

If we look at a calendar year, we can highlight the actual weeks where we showed up and did our work. If we are missing 4 weeks here, 6 weeks there of at least some type of practice, then even if we are hitting 6 days a week at other times, we have gaps.

Often, we don’t see these gaps.

Of course, to eliminate the gaps, we need a long game approach:

A balanced, consistent approach with the ability to observe feedback, done at a level that serves your physiology in the context of your life, both on the day (you feel better that day) and also across the decade is the aim.

Then it’s just about repetition.

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