I’m Getting Sick of It

What happens when we show up to do our work, our training/exercise or to contribute day after day, after day…

Then we get tired? We get sick of it?

There’s a short filter I apply, which sometimes means a pivot into something new, sometimes means buckle down and keep going:

  1. Wait. Do I need rest? If your resources are low, if you are tired, you might just need a rest. Learning to rest instead of quitting is the first step (and can be harder than it sounds)

  2. Does it help with where I want to go? Is it aligned with my overall context/direction? If my direction or values have changed, is the pursuit still aligned?

  3. How do I feel? Does it make me happy generally?

Pivoting or switching directions can be valuable and rewarding sometimes. Often though, in particular with exercise or movement, we simply have too much going on and need a little rest, or an adjustment in effort.

Through these two we can dial the practice in and find the long game.

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