Can I get a Break?

The subconscious mind is observant.

We don’t notice everything consciously, but we are imprinted at a deeper level almost continuously.

This is essential as a survival mechanism as the subconscious mind continuously perceives and evaluates our surroundings (“neuroception”).

What’s happening today though is an over-abundance of information inputs.

Inputs which are incongruent with seasonal and circadian rhythms.

No, this is not against social media, email etc, as at the end of the day these platforms simply exist. They are inanimate on their own, but come to life only through our engagement.

So, what does it mean?

Well, if you are looking to reduce stress or anxiety, cultivate your own intuition or clear the mind, it pays to select your input sources and exposure with awareness.

Are the messages helpful?

Do you find yourself triggered into a comparison mindset when you are exposed to them?

Do you have boundaries to maintain space to come to your centre, to simmer down through the noise of daily email, social media and work colleagues?

As usual, it comes back to awareness on an ongoing basis, but also I believe the chronic nature of these inputs for a lot of people is meaning a meditative practice is becoming a non-negotiable.

Culturally, I believe this is the tip of an ice berg, as we have newer generations who have had chronic input exposure for the majority of their life.

Is it bad? No, well… who knows.

Is it worth our attention? I believe so.

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