Post 309.

After a short time away and offline in the Blue Mountains, writing continues.

11 days have been missed during silent retreats so far. More will be missed in the future.

Sometimes, for whatever reason, this happens.

We miss.

We miss a day of our new habit – making it to the gym, prepping our food..

Sometimes it’s a week.

In either event, when we look at each day as a new opportunity to show up, then whether we missed yesterday or not there’s no difference.

Often, people will use a short gap as a reason to stop:

“I can’t be bothered anymore.”

“It’s hard, look, see I already fell off the wagon..”

Why create this conflict?

Start again.

Now if the pattern of missing becomes chronic, we can use a feedback loop. Why did it happen? Was the work too hard to begin with? Do I need some external resources? A new environment?

Tweak it, start again.

[ It also means that if there’s something you’d like to do, but if you have never done it before or haven’t started, there is no reason not to start right here, right now. ]

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