Create Your Own Abundance

Mostly we get confused.

We were tricked early on into a funny sort of over-arching model.

It works in a clunky fashion, but it’s still a trick.

Realising this is the first thing.

The questioning of this “society,” or the culture, which is telling you who you have to be, or who you are supposed to be, is the first part. 

Once you have questioned or become watchful of the whole system, the job descriptions, the food that is sold, the industries, the general healthcare system, the education.

Not questioning to directly disagree or oppose, but to remain alert.

Once you are watchful, then you can figure out what to do next.

You can realise that you can create your own abundance around you.

From here, you realise you are enough.

Then you don’t need to go compete with others – When you do meet with others it can be a connection not a competition.

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