Foundation Steps/Early Building Blocks

When we are trying to create a shift, start a new practice, learn a skill, we need a starting point.

We typically want to start with something that at least looks something like the end product. This is particularly true in the physical realm.

If we want to learn a handstand, we might think that we start upside down at least.

If we want to cultivate a meditation practice, maybe we try to get as close as we can into something that looks like a lotus position.

When a coder creates a new program, the first 1’s and 0’s look nothing like the end interface or program.

When we are working on upgrading our physical skillset or the mind, it turns out the same thing holds true.

If we are after the fastest route, the building blocks that we lay today will likely look nothing like the end product, if they are the right blocks.

If we want to write a program, we start with 1’s and 0’s.

If we want to learn the handstand, we might start with the wrists, or body alignment drills.

If we want to start with a business, we might consider who we want to serve or the problem we want to solve before the mechanics of the actual vehicle.

To start building consistency with something that looks nothing like where we want to be, or how we want to be operating down the line can be hard. But finding these blocks and creating this practice of laying the foundation is incredibly valuable.

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