The Difficult Trade

There’s a great trade to be had in terms of developing insights.

Let’s call it the difficult trade.

It’s turning up to the difficult class that you don’t like and you aren’t any good at, but know is beneficial

It’s leaving your phone at home for the day

It’s reaching out and connecting with someone when you didn’t have to

It’s walking to work instead of driving

It’s the first time you sit and put 15 minutes aside to practice your breathing work and learn to notice the mind.

They can be small moments, or they can be big adventures. They can be physical or mental trades.

For each of us the trades will be different

But we all make the trade on purpose, consciously.

It’s where we do something that we know goes against our patterning and natural behaviour, the slightly more difficult way, in the anticipation that we’ll find insights.

Sometimes we don’t find an insight, but often we do and often we share the insight with others. Which is a great thing.

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