Creating Your Process [habit]

As humans we are non-linear, chaotic organisms.

Like the weather, or the stock market, when we change one of our inputs, we don’t always see the same direct change in outputs.

Even so, when we want to repeat a process over and over – weightlifting, writing, idea generation, we can use a “routine” or a “process” to bypass this fact a little and create a placebo “setup.” [see my post here on gymnastics rings and clean workspaces]

The placebo (or believed effect), is that if we have a set process to follow, we become a little more linear and are set up for our results to become a little more dependable.

Well, if it works (which is does), how do we create our own* special process?

One option is to reverse engineer it – to just start, day in, day out.

Then, one day when you see a great result, notice the steps you took prior. The coffee cup, the environment, the music you had on, the type of outcome you were able to achieve.

Repeat it a few times, see what you find. Is there a second or a third instance of a desirable outcome? A pattern?

If so, write out the steps and voila, your very own routine.

As you were the creator, the founder or the one who “discovered” your routine, this one is likely to be far more powerful for you than following the routine from someone else.

*because you and I are different, it’s likely our two routines won’t match in the long run.

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