Live Training Invite – What is Healthy Training?

Well the word “training” itself already filters us a little bit.

We know the question is for people who do things like “train.”

Maybe it’s also “exercise,” also “movement” etc, but there’s a “training” or “practice” element to it.

A direction.

So, sure we get stronger, better at riding a bicycle or more flexible, but in a world where both physical and mental health issues are becoming more wide-spread, how do we actually know if our “training” is helping or hindering?

Surely we want to get the bad-ass results and feel better 10 years from now.

Turns out it’s quite the balance.

Well, I’m going to break it down:

My first Live Training event is going to kick off this week on Friday 30th at 12pm Sydney time

and I’ll talk through my own thoughts and experience on “What is Healthy Training?”

I hope you’ll join me.

This will be a Zoom call, and here is the invite:

I’d love to hear any questions you might have beforehand and hopefully I can touch on them. The best option is to hit reply here and let me know.

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