Impeccability [“one year of blogging” post]

A while ago I wrote about “The power of Daily.”

I then wrote about the cricketer who replayed the basics, “hitting 100 balls each day.”

When we look at someone who has a daily practice, we can easily throw it into the vast chasm of “habits” and say it’s then easier in some way and that it is run “subconsciously.”

They’ve just developed the habit..

Sure, in theory that could be the case. The subconscious mind is definitely capable of the complexity involved.

However, things change when we introduce “impeccability.”

Impeccability begins with a single act that has to be deliberate, precise and sustained. If that act is repeated long enough, one acquires a sense of unbending intent which can be applied to anything else. If that is accomplished the road is clear. One thing will lead to another until the warrior realises his full potential. – Don Juan.

When we bring impeccability, we aren’t “just” hitting 100 balls. We are hitting each ball.

Now we aren’t “just” writing each day, we are doing our best to create our own work that we stand behind. And again tomorrow.

This is NOT perfectionism. Errors and mistakes will still happen. Perfectionism puts the brakes on creating and producing the work and actually stops us from cultivating intent. 

What would happen to our training, our conversation, your email, out phone usage, our relationships, if we introduced the concept of “impeccability?”

How could cultivating this intent impact other areas?

***PS, today (well, a few days ago), I clocked over one year of writing this blog. Thank you for coming along for the ride and who have taken the time to reply on occasion, I am very grateful.***

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