Doubling Down on The Difference

The first thing to realise is you have been and are conditioned daily by inputs: your peers, by gurus, by  corporations. Via direct contact, experiences or social media. This creates who you have come to be.

When we are NOT getting results, we need to question our exposure to these inputs, which in turn influence behaviour and then habits. Are we following the crowd? Is this serving us?

When we ARE getting results, ahead of the curve, if even for a moment, then we need to double down on our difference, rather than revert to the norm. Where is this edge coming from? Can we replicate or repeat it?

The majority sees average results. When we move in our own direction, we can create something new or unique. Occasionally, this brings amazing results. This is the time to leverage our difference, or double down.

Like a positive feedback loop, we then get better at being ourselves, our edge more pronounced. We see faster results overall.


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