High Frequency Exposure [ growth ]

“Great results, can be achieved with small forces.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War

High frequency, low amplitude loading (or “forces”) can eventually take down an aeroplane.

As the plane flies, loading isn’t even. There is wing flexion, air density changes, oscillations and prop rotations (for some).

Each change in force is not that great.

Very high frequency, but low amplitude load creates fatigue in materials, then if unchecked or unnoticed, cracks, which can grow*.

When you expose yourself to a stimulus (good or bad) daily, or multiple times per day, an extraordinary thing happens – out of nowhere, you see an emergence of change.

On any given day, the amplitude is too low. You can’t see anything. Yet suddenly, you find yourself in a new position.

The question then, is what is the nature of the forces that you want to be applying?

*Of course, there are many in-built measures in place to prevent this from happening.

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