Hey You, Create Something (A Free eBook to help)

We don’t enjoy out of the box ideas.

We like bespoke.

We like to modify the meal on the breakfast menu.

We like our particular gym, our particular brand of ice cream.

When we buy, we like the infusion of you into the idea.

We really want to know what you see, what you feel about where we are and where we could go.

We don’t really appreciate a new conduit for information, we enjoy any and every attempt at creation.

The cool thing, is this opens up the door for everyone to create, with minimal downside (actually zero downside).

The tough thing, is you need to put yourself on the hook (we won’t do it for you), then you need to move through that stickiness that follows.

I highly recommend that you create something this week, month or year. Something to show us.

Something that might work, that might fail.

If you’re interested, here’s a worksheet that could help.


***We have a few more weeks until ACCESS POTENTIAL ACADEMY kicks off. If you would enjoy some positive personal disruption and want to level up professionally, hit reply and we can organise a free deep dive call to discover more. There are some amazing humans on board with this.***

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