Drinking from the Fire Hose

Luna our dog loves to drink from a hose. The higher pressure, the better.

She’ll accept water out of a tap – then as a last resort, out of her bowl.

When she drinks from the bowl, she starts, then, when she’s had enough, finishes up. As you’d expect, pretty straight forward.

When she drinks from the hose though, she will jump a metre up to get closer to the source. She’ll throw herself against a wall, she’ll run right into you to get at the hose.

We have these choices daily. While urgency is a critical for change, a lot of the time we mistake this for the feeling of a frenzy, of excitation. We bring the hose in wherever we can. For us, it’s drinking from the fire hose.

At the end of the day though, while the hose is fun, Luna gets more water in a shorter space of time when she uses the bowl. A lot of the time when we eliminate the frenzy, the alerts, the notifications and go back to a clean slate – “here I am, where do I want to go?” – our productivity jumps.

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