Pillars of Power (Download)

The way of the modern love warrior traveller.

I wrote Pillars of Power in January of this year.

It’s both a collection of previous writings and some other assertions about personal energy, personal power and the culture. Many thoughts are my own, many are referenced, and many are just plain stolen and collected over the last 15 years and perhaps slanted at a new part of the culture, in a different way.

Overall, I continue with my slant of dismantling a reliance on an industrial food industry and a broken “health and fitness” culture. I am passionate about seeing people re-discover and cultivate their own power source and step into a dream affirmative life.

I emphasise energy generation as the first priority in self leadership, and the Pillars of Power covers many aspects of this. It is not a map, it may help create a compass for further thought development.

There is some possibility that this will be printed, but on small volume runs I would have to make this really expensive.

Rather than do this then, I decided to upload the whole thing. Thanks to the internet, you can download it now.

If you enjoy any part of this, please email it or share it to your tribe.


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