Defining your Power Spots

We can define our own “power spots.”

Stags and sea birds seem to do this well when they bask in the sun along the water. My dog Luna certainly knows where her power spots are also.

Sometimes they are in the sun, sometimes shaded. Animals regularly have a particular affinity for certain exact locations.

Defining your power spot is not an easy task, although it’s fairly simple.

It’s not easy, because there is no map. My power spot will be different to yours. You also need to qualify the spot. You need to “feel” that it is serving you.

Your power spot could be for:

  1. Where your best work or creative work takes place

  2. Your spot for some silence or meditation that only you know

  3. The certain part of the gym floor where you feel at least 3% stronger

Once it’s defined, it’s important to defend your power spot. Work doesn’t take place where you go for meditation. Phones and TV’s don’t come into the bedroom. That cafe where you do your best idea generation isn’t the place to take your cousin when they are in town.

The first stage is to define, the second stage is to defend.

You may be surprised at what you notice.

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