Emotional Labour, Outsourcing.

With a mouse-wheel available around every corner, it can be easy to get yourself into a few time traps.

Outsourcing – sending work away to a third party – can be an attractive option.

It can be time and cost effective and of course, it can make your job easier.

However, if building trust and attention is important in your work, then there are a few areas that may be worth keeping in-sourced, depending on the nature of your business:

  • Replying to direct emails and sending direct emails to another human

  • Creating any content, including blog-posts, subscriber emails and site articles

  • Replying to, or sending personal or client messages or calls

  • Programming, coaching, program design that is representative of the culture of the business

Of course anything is technically possible, but tasks that require emotional labour, empathy, or a deep understanding of the narrative of the people you are working with can be far more difficult to outsource.

When we maintain an authentic vertical connection with our tribe – when we are able to communicate directly when it is appropriate, we have a small, amazing opportunity to build both trust and attention – our platform for longer term contribution.

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