The Spaces In-Between

In olympic lifting we often coach different “positions.”

We “break the movement down.”

This can be helpful to take something complex and make it seem digestible.

Like a step-by-step guide.

Ultimately though, the snatch and clean and jerk are movements of fluidity and power. There is no segmentation and ultimately there can be no hesitation.

It is closer to a piece of music – a continuous return to the present moment, which flows into the next present moment. All done with heavy weight.

At some point, we need to cross those spaces in between. The parts that aren’t taught and broken down. At some point it switches from a sequence of movements, to a lift.

The mind lets go of a little bit of reasoning, and shifts into a little more understanding.

For the olympic lifts and many other practices, to create this continuity, the only thing that stands in our way is practice and intent.

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