Happy 70th

Today my Dad turns 70.

Yesterday, my sister messaged me and suggested that we create a fun list of 70 things that we appreciated or were thankful for. Ways that he may have influenced our lives, ideas, thoughts.

So, once I finished training I sat down wrote a few out without a pause.

I thought I’d share some of them below:

he stops me to appreciate the ocean  –  he helps me scramble with fish in the water when we spearfish  –  he knows how to anchor the boat well  –  I’m forced to level up when I’m around him  –  I learn more about myself through our relationship  –  he showed me life outside of the matrix  –  he shouts me my annual beer when I’m home  –  he took me out of school  –  I have to keep fit to keep up with him  –  he helps me eat a whole apple crumble  –  he trusts me  – I am my most natural self when we are together  –  we don’t have to talk when we hang out –  he bodysurfs close-outs and likes getting slammed by them  –  he lends me straw hats when we work in the sun  –  he taught me how to catch my food  –  he taught me design thinking.

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