Brain Activity

The human brain has 4 levels of activity. When we understand these, the state they relate to, and how to influence them, we also can gain an edge in recovery practices and wellness.

a. BETA WAVES – 14-30 cycles per second. Conscious mind 25%, Concentration 75%. Bodily functions (heart rate, digestion…). This is our active, alert and problem solving state. We spend about 16 hours per day at this level.

b. ALPHA WAVES – 8-13 Cycles per second. Subconscious mind: hypnotic state, meditation, daydreaming, sleep borderlines.

c. THETA WAVES – 4-7 cycles per second. These are slower. Superconscious mind, higher consciousness levels. Deep meditation (retreats, long practices)

d. DELTA WAVES – 3.5 cycles per second. This is deep sleep, unconscious mind in deep rest. No response to suggestion. Little is known about these levels except that we spend about 30-40 minutes per night on average here. This is the slowest physical state.

All of our subconscious programming happens in the Alpha state, which is said to be our dominant state up until 5-7 years of age. This makes our interaction with toddlers critical, as they bank subconscious patterns.

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