Don’t Work Hard in the Wrong Direction

A lot of the time, the decision to get into “fitness” or exercise is fuelled by adrenaline.

It is fuelled by emergency, comparison or even anxiety.

Like attracts like. Someone with a full on life or who is in a stressed state wanting to get healthy usually picks a training style that aligns with their personality type.

They are attracted to training that directly rewards output and appears to be “time efficient.”

This is why so many make the mistake of flocking straight to high intensity training.

This makes patiently building a strong foundation of adaptable strength and quality movement super contrarian, but also the single most effective thing you can do for long term success.

How do we make sure we start in the right direction?

At the start, do some research. Find out which training will serve you best, based on your lifestyle.

Working hard in the wrong direction is costly.

Play the long game.

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