“3-2-1” – A Balanced Approach to Get Moving

How much should I do? 

How often do I need to train?

Valid, and common questions. Of course, the type and frequency of exercise you do will ultimately depend on the individual. 

But, there’s a template I like to put on the table either for people just getting started, or getting back into it.

It’s called 3-2-1. The focus is health, strength, fat loss. Here it is:

– 3 x Walks per week 60-90 minutes, with nasal breathing. Do these anywhere, although on a trail or in nature is the best. Relax, take in the surroundings. Don’t worry about a FitBit or quantifying this.

– 2 x Strength sessions per week – a structured class, or specific solo session. These are usually based on a specific program or your goals. These could (and often do often)  include mobility work.

– 1 x Sweat session or specialty class. Pick what you love. This could be high intensity, a run, a bike ride or even a yoga class.

There is a certain intent behind this. I prioritise training/movement intensity in the opposite way to a lot of people. I won’t go into the details here, but it’s safe to say the approach of the majority isn’t winning in the health and fitness world.

This approach sets us up in a certain way. The majority of time/volume is spent at a low intensity, or basic movement. This is great for health, blood flow, and calming most people’s ramped up nervous system. It also means we “book” into a couple of key strength sessions. These are important for hormonal health, longevity and well-being. 

That final sweat session is optional. To be honest, for most people this isn’t so important based on most people’s goals (body composition, health, strength etc). BUT, for a lot of people they really enjoy it.

3-2-1, or 6 days of movement*. Try it out, tell me what you think.


*Yes, of course I love to see passive movement on ALL days, but these are specific, scheduled sessions.

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