Made, not born.

All too often, I hear people pull out the “good genetics” card when they see someone who is doing well in their training.

While our genetics can definitely influence certain aspects of our body, what we are talking about here is something different. When people say this type of thing, they aren’t talking about the finer genetic points such as muscle fibre type.

They are looking at someone who is just generally in good shape.

Well my friends, this is made. This is purely a result of setting up the right conditions for the body to present in this way. Food, training, recovery and awareness of state of mind.

The cool thing? The body will do this even in later stages in life. I have seen people get into their best shape in 50’s and 60’s (and then run laps around 20 year olds).

We usually say it’s lot’s harder as we get older, which is not fully accurate. It is hard, but you know why? As we age, it is increasingly difficult for many to change our habits.

So, take a pause. If given the chance, WOULD YOU CHOOSE to be in the best shape of your life?

Starting today?

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