Contrarian/Standing Alone

If they are “zigging” and you find yourself “zagging,” you are either incredibly stupid, or are moving in the right direction.

Many people know how highly I prioritise meditation, silent retreats, unplugging… Understanding your mind and it’s preference to follow or attach. Learning to stand alone vs. follow the crowd. Learning to see what is coming from societal conditioning vs. science, your path, or truth.

This can work in our favour with nutrition and exercise (hint, as a general society, things are getting worse, quickly.)

So, how do we tell if we are zagging correctly or should we be zigging with the crowd?

  1. Peer review the results of the masses in the longer term (5 years +)
  2. Commit to a period of unbiased research. Not from a blog, not from your friend who joined another group, not because it’s popular, not from a guru. Understand the mechanics to that level just below the sexy surface level that stops most people. 
  3. Abundant vs. Scarcity. The scarcity mindset around nutrition and exercise (not enough of the first and too much or the wrong type of the second) has engulfed entire cities. It’s pretty crazy. How do you know? Scarcity will include an over-emphasis on comparison either in real time or more commonly now via social media, under-resting, over-training, fomo, excluding food groups or meals, over-emphasis on weight “loss” as compared to vitality “gain.”
  4. Add value. Does your approach add value or potential to the mind-body? Value add examples are Skills, strength, mobility. Endurance or work capacity can be added on top of a skills/strength/mobility base but they don’t add to the base itself.

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