Getting Started: Mind, Body and More

How do I start getting healthy again, getting moving again?

Well, you just start.

But really, the easiest way for actual LONG term results is different to what most believe.

How we exist here in the physical body is simply a representation of our mental, emotional and spiritual selves.

The body is the follower. The mind is where we can find conflict, or get lost. It is also where we can do some constructive work to find clarity and direction.

When we accept or embrace this, then we instantly know that the journey is of course physical in that we have to do the work and eat the foods, but it is also mental, emotional and spiritual as well.

If we are looking for change, it is change for life. So looking deeper at how we are living our lives is critical.

The conflicted mind is powerless.

It falls victim to modern marketing, poor food additives or lifestyle choices that simply aren’t optimal for the body. When the mind is clear, then we have alignment between how we are living and our higher path or greater dream.

It is easy to make good choices and align our actions with where we want to go when the mind is clear.

Five questions to help you start:

  1. What is your higher dream? Who do you want to help? Where are you headed? To do this powerfully and with full potential, a healthy body is key. This gives us reason for change.
  2. What habits do I have that get in my way? Bring awareness to them and then start to create some alternate options
  3. Who can you surround yourself with that is living true to their higher dream and is in alignment with their health? This might be a coach, a friend, a community, a mentor.
  4. What are your energy inputs and outputs? Where are you expending your energy and how much vs. where is energy coming in from?
  5. Consider a meditative practice – learn to quiet the mind, which will help you to regularly clear a conflicted mind and regain balance. This in itself can do wonders to stop poor choices that stem from lack of awareness.


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