Eliminating Distractions

Exercise or training is all “long game.” Sure, there are some feel good chemicals that happen soon after a session, but really, you can get more of those other ways which are far easier.

The really cool benefit is in the longer term. After you have been on the journey for 5, 10, 20 years, you have a significant edge and reap the reward daily.

So, we know then that if it’s not a short term payoff, then it makes sense that unless movement is habitualised, we will easily fall victim to distractions which provide instant gratification.

What do we do? 

One way, if you really want to choose to live a healthier lifestyle, is to simply eliminate these distractions which are counterproductive. The following are some low hanging fruit that people could look at, which have a short time-frame dopamine response or similar. In that, you are chemically rewarded or soothed instantly, but with little or no long term benefit:

  1. TV – take the TV out and save yourself time, toxic energy and harmful blue-light exposure. In 2009 we got rid of our TV because there was no room in that little apartment.. 
  2. Phones – set up an email and social media strategy to minimise time wastage. 
  3. YouTube, Facebook meme videos etc.. Again, if you really want to encourage a healthy lifestyle with plenty of movement, choose to largely ditch these guys.
  4. Distracting or negative people. Once you choose to undertake a new journey, surround yourself with people who are going to help you get there:


“Set your life on fire

Seek those who fan your flames”

– Rumi


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