It Works Until It Doesn’t

You may be on a diet, a path, a journey which is serving you well at the moment.

If it is based on a fixed idea or model it will eventually of course come to a point that it won’t work. It will falter.

There ultimately is conflict between any fixed model and actual reality, which by it’s very nature, is only ever in flux.

I’ve had a lot of conversations with people recently where their model has stopped working.

As per the scientific method, if we find this to be the case through our own observation or through peer review, we have no choice but to come in with a new hypothesis, or a new approach.

The way people often get blindsided is they become emotionally invested in the model enough that upholding it’s validity is more important than moving forward, or getting results.

When The need to be right > The need for a result

If it stops working, we have to quickly review it, throw it to the side and try a new approach.



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