Finding the Time

There is a philosopher, writer and mystic, Jiddu Krisnamurti. He would often write about unconditional awareness – become the watcher of how you are actually living your life.

Not how you think you are, but in actual reality, each moment.

Many people don’t have time for exercise, eating well, starting a business, being creative, meditation.

The first thing to do, it look deeper at what you actually are doing? 

Over-working,  watching TV,  social media, business meetings for the sake of meetings, commuting, unorganised workplaces, cars, kitchens, working in the job you don’t love, being in a relationship you don’t want to be or that isn’t serving you…

Once other areas of your life are aligned, as we get our “house in order” as Krishnamurti said, then we can dedicate more time for movement, good food, sleep and more, however that might look.

Awareness then, is the first requirement.


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