Walking, Chaos and Non-Linear Dynamics

The body and nervous system doesn’t operate linearly. Our heart rates, brain waves and even stride-lengths are governed by non-linear dynamics: they are “fractal,” or “chaotic” in nature.

In fact, when our heart rate or brain wave variability decreases, or becomes MORE linear, then this is a sign of overtraining, sickness (or even a pre-cursor to seizures when referring to brain waves).

Because our whole operating system is running chaotically, then we can choose gentle movement such as walking, paddling or swimming to align with this and help restore both physical and emotional health. 

Movement that is repetitive, is not result or time based and is simple enough for us to engage in our surroundings, can allow us to connect with our more natural state and be immensely restorative..

This is another reason why walking is the main part of my 3-2-1 recommendation to get started in movement. 

If you are looking to get started and don’t know where to begin, or, if you are highly active and looking for a calming recovery practice, head out for a walk. 



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