Meeting Your Body Where It’s At

In marketing there’s a concept of “meeting them where they’re at.”

I’m no marketing expert, but as I understand it, it’s making sure you use the language, imagery and concepts that are directly relevant today to the market niche. Resonate with where their conscious mind is at.

In training, there is a similar thing going on, but we need to meet the body or structure instead

When we start an exercise program, we tend to focus on the end goal, where we think we are ready to operate.

In reality, usually there is a bunch of stuff that needs attention first.

When we meet the body where it’s at, we focus on what needs attention today. Often, this includes:

– Mobility, coordination, balance, resiliency

– Nutritional basics (food frequency, enough fuel etc)

– Lifestyle basics (bedtime, circadian rhythms, possibly goal setting, etc)

This is difficult. But, those that continually check the ego and look to meet the body where it’s at see far superior results, as they are actually advancing at the fastest rate possible.


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