Bucking the Trend

Often we move, eat, train, live, work… according to a method

The methods are handed down to us, from our peers, from social media, from the books, from the course lecturer

Of course, we get to take advantage of this previous work. Of existing knowledge.

BUT, eventually you will find yourself at a crossroads.

At a point where you realise you need to forge forward, alone.

There won’t be a chapter in the text book for your new situation:

You’ll need to write your own, create your own experience, your own knowledge.

When we get there, a few things can help:

  1. Scientific method of inquiry: observe, question, hypothesise, experiment, analyse, conclude
  2. Draw parallels: Look at other areas, industries, approaches and see if it can apply to your own
  3. Change environments: New environments, new peers, new mentors or a new coach. A new level of awareness might be needed
  4. Sit alone: A daily habit of silent time, meditation, alone-ness, can help immensely. Often only when the mind is allowed to quieten down, do we find creativity – the space in between activities.

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