Incomming Outgoing

Our energy building practices: sleep, food, meditation, restorative movement etc, need to outweigh our energy depleting practices: training, work, mental-emotional stress.

If they don’t, we become depleted, unwell, injured or sick.

The interesting part of it though is the “band” in which these can sit.

The energy building practices have only small tolerances – not much wiggle room either way. They become almost constants.

Our depleting practices such as training and work can vary significantly.

We can either train a lot, or a little, and we can try to work to balance this.  However, we pretty much need the same amount of sleep and food each day – this isn’t really negotiable.

This means that when you are looking to “get healthy,” or start on a program, put a significant effort into the nutrition and lifestyle factors, because they really need to be dialled in.

You can then adjust your training/workouts around your work and relationship commitments. 

I’ll be going into how to do this in detail in an upcoming free talk, details are here


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