If You Run With The Lame

There is a famous strength and conditioning coach, Louie Simmons, from Westside barbell (known for creating ridiculously strong powerlifters). Westside is known to be an extreme environment. 

Filled with athletes pushing the limits of what is possible in strenth training.

Louie has a quote:

“If you run with the lame, you will develop a limp.”

This is a fairly divisive and competitive way of looking at things. However, what he is referring to is true. We are heavily influenced at both a conscious and sub-conscious level by both people and the environment around us.

In Melbourne, people wear black clothes. It is dark in winter. If you move to Melbourne, it is highly likely you too will soon wear dark clothing.

In the tropics, they wear colour. The environment is bright and vibrant. If you go there, you will leave wearing colour.

Societal conditioning. There are examples everywhere, but the question is, how do we use this?

We seek out those who are going the direction we want to go, or those who have already been there.

Coaches, mentors, communities and groups are all perfect examples. The closer we can get to those who excel in our field of choice, the more we can learn.

We not only are aware of this subconscious entrainment, but use it to our advantage. To develop habits, patterns or attributes that serve us.

Yes we need to do the work ourselves in the end, BUT, understanding at an experiential level HOW successful people go about doing the work can be an invaluable edge.



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