Software Upgrades

Yesterday I coached a class of over 30 people, a lot of them new faces.

The main challenge when we work with a lot of people who haven’t trained with us before is communicating the value of movement quality.

This can be explained, demonstrated, pointed out. But ultimately, depending on where we’ve come from previously, a software upgrade needs to take place.

Society conditions us to do more, faster, heavier. Output is applauded. Training/the gym is only one reflection of this. Ultimately though, elite (and sustainable/safe) levels of output only come with impeccable technique.

So, we have a conflict – we are conditioned towards output (“now”), but in reality we all usually need to slow down, work on weaknesses, form, technique – before we can go to the next level, regardless of where we are at.

Ultimately, this software upgrade is a personal choice.

It leads down a completely different road. It may “feel” a little slower at the start, but the intersection of the lines is pretty fast and the long term results far superior.

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