It’s Always Difficult

When we start out on a health/training/(business), things are difficult.

Habits are not formed, so there’s a huge amount of conscious effort involved just to turn up. It can be exciting, but it’s exhausting.

Then, if we stick at it, we make some early progress. On a percentage basis, this early progress is usually pretty massive.  This brings a bit of a high, as we celebrate how far we’ve come.

It can soon bring frustration though also.

We mastered one thing, but find something else that we are working on is now difficult! How did this happen!?

The truth is, it is always difficult, our landscape just changes.

The real shift comes when we change the perspective. Phrases like “I can’t” or “I’ll never be able to…” get replaced with “I’m working on…” or “I’m trying to figure out how to…”

When you are further down the line, you realise two things:

1. It’s always difficult, and

2. “Difficult” is the wrong word.

It’s challenging, new, exciting. This never stops, we just get more and more comfortable with it. We embrace it, riding that wave of progression, failing, researching, trying again, then progressing once more.

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