Research vs. Immersions

There are books, manuals, videos and tutorials on how to grow your business, improve your health and your training

There’s a how-to on everything and for some, this is the main way they try to learn.

This brings intellectual knowledge about the topic, that we then try to apply experientially.

The other side of this coin is putting immersion based learning, or experiential learning, first.

For the former, you do the courses. For the later, you just “do.”

Starting in the right direction, getting a few tips is great, having a teacher is important. But, it’s the trap of extending this too far that we need to watch out for.

Usually this rabbit hole of “learning” gets deeper as the fear of failure increases.

However, even with seemingly continual failures, as soon as researching or collecting knowledge creates a roadblock that stops us from doing and experimenting on our own, then we need to adjust our course.

In the end, knowledge gained through our own experience is the only thing that we have.



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