Meditation/The Power of Non-Doing

When we engage in a task, we are occupied.

The more we have going on at once, the more we multi-task, the busier we are.

Very quickly, we have no resources available. The sun rises, it sets, the moon rises, the tree blows, the kid grows up. We miss it all.

The more we make time to regularly strip away, the more we practice (and yes, like any skill, it needs a lot of practice) non-doing, the more potential we can access.

In the neutral position – not going forwards, not backwards, just sitting, ultimately with periods below thought, we have incredible potential.

Here, the subconscious (or habit) mind is powerless. There’s no program running, we have no tasks at hand. 

Our ability to see, create or engage in something new is greater than at any other time.

Of course, we also need to “do” – the question is, when given a chance, a window here or there, even knowing the upside, are you brave enough to stop at all?

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