The Guru vs. Reality

When we start down any new journey, we find a trend that “seems” right.

Our conditioning veers us in a certain direction, whether it’s with diet, our training or otherwise.

We are naturally drawn into a particular way of thinking, a particular leader or guru and, a particular dogma.

The hard part is to stand alone and look deeper. To look past the guru who “makes sense” to you straight away, and do your own research. 

With the body (diet, training method, lifestyle factors), we need to study things at a physiological level to try and understand what’s happening. Does it make sense at a cellular level, as well as the overall model?

Again we can turn towards the later stages of the scientific method to help us. The more we “believe” we are on the right track, the more we need to make sure we finish the entire method:

  1. Make an observation
  2. Conduct research
  3. Form hypothesis
  4. Test hypothesis
  5. Record data
  6. Draw conclusion
  7. Peer review

It’s inevitably the last three areas where we find safety. This is where a dogma will deviate from reality and also where (interestingly) many people stop short. They’ll continue with a methodology or approach, without data/results, with no conclusion and certainly no peer review.

This simple approach inevitably has you see results faster than average, as there is no room for a faulty model to continue indefinitely. 


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