Model for Results

After working with hundreds of individuals, you start to see some patterns that work to get results.

While it seems like there are a huge number of factors that come into play, really, we can boil it down to just a couple things. Well, even one thing, with a couple of supporting attributes that really, really help.

  1.  Consistency – The one thing. The person who shows up the most consistently, for the longest, will get the results. This is largely dependent on attitude, or as one of my favourite authors Seth Godin would say, “posture.” Note – consistency doesn’t necessarily mean frequency. Sometimes less is more and the following two attributes are needed to determine factors like frequency
  2. Awareness and Intent – Overall, intent is a given – as in, we all need intent to be showing up in the first place. Here I mean intent in the moment. Intentional movement. Awareness around movement. Ability and willingness to be present, keep the phone away, observe, feel, make adjustments and observe some more.
  3. Coachability – Number three. This is a catalyst. This is the ability to listen, take constructive feedback, check the ego and implement. Not absolutely essential in terms of getting results, BUT, very, very helpful at increasing rate of improvement. This is often related to awareness.

With these three, recovery and nutrition practices, movement quality, exercise selection, intensity etc are all taken care of. 

So, if there’s one thing to focus on in your area of interest, it might be consistency. Turn up, do the work.

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