The Stress Curve

When Hans Selye introduced the concept of stress over 50 years ago, he was mis-interpreted by many. The word “stress” quickly was associated with “bad.” This is not what he meant.

However, in today’s world, many people are living, breathing, working and functioning on the right hand side of the curve. This is bad. We know this from looking at their state of health, their breathing patterns, their sleep habits and decreases in performance.

Usually, we get attached, or addicted to our habits, our identity (“high performer” anyone?), how we have come to exist. Very often, people are addicted to “stress.”

So, if you find yourself on the right hand side and notice negative feedback from your current practices or “way of life,” the first step is to decide whether you are actually going to commit to shifting it to the left.

From here, we can look deeper at lifestyle factors and usually move across fairly quickly.


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